Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Change, Jones. It's All About the Change.

Why is it that we as men (and women) are so resilient to change? And how is it that after years of noticing how my fear restrains me I have yet to overcome it in full? Granted I have moved along successively compared to my earlier days... Jones Bailey, why are you such a coward?

Jones is the social component of my personality. No, I don't have MPD (multiple personality disorder) although that would be fun. Anyway, Jones is in a tight spot. You see, he got pulled from a world where he was free to be himself, free to be alone. But now that he's a member of the Eight he's being forced to do things he's never done before, and I can tell it unnerves him. Which begs the question, is it change as a principle that he fears or the change itself? But in the end, he's going to have to suck it up for the good of the rest. Because they want what he does just as much.

The world is a scary place, but so is home. You're never safe, so don't disillusion yourself by thinking so.

Hear that Jones? You'll never be safe.
