Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who Are We Really?

Are we defined by our actions? Or are we the struggling person inside? Do we live within the heightened ideals that we hold, shaping us into who we should be? Or do we accept what we have, content never to move?

Well, which one do you like better?

Ideals will always be more... ideal than reality seems to allow. Always. But the mistake is not to fail; it is to accept that failure.

You can be the one with potential, the one to make the difficult decisions. And you may not be the one to reach your ideals, but you can always be that one who reached for them.

And that's not so bad.

Old Adam Flee

In baptism, the new Adam is born in Christ and the old Adam is put to death.

If only we could really kill the ****er.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Universal Energy

Windmills turn and windmills turn
as if by motors.
But we know that windmills
are not run by motors.
It is the other way around.

Minds think and minds think
without thinking things through.
Though we know that little
actually seems as it is.
It is the other way around.

So windmills pushed by wind
pushed by pressure zones
pushed by temperature
made by vibrating atoms
struck by photons
radiated from the sun
initiated by chemical reactions
do not run on any energy that we here possess,
but on the energy of the universe.

What does that mean to you?