Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Monday, November 3, 2008

Reasons to be Happy

I love my job. I don't get paid all that much, but I love it all the same.

I love my family. Sometimes you forget about the temporality of the world until it all turns upside down on you... except for your family.

I love writing.

I live in a country where I'm allowed to love most anything I want (so long as it's legal).

I am succeeding.

I love my friends. I don't see them much now that I'm up in Seattle, but that's the best way to know who your real friends are.

I can almost play Cold Day in the Sun without error. Soon I will be able to sing along while playing.

I have all but one Rush album.

I have all Muse studio albums.

I have all Foo Fighters studio albums.

The Fountain of Lamneth just started playing on my computer. (That's a Rush epic, for those of you not blessed with an intricate understanding of the (second) greatest band in the world.)

Garth started Finder's Keepers.

I voted.

I have no enemies.

My creations are immortal, and always by my side.

One of my friends (making that two - I didn't want to confuse you by saying two and having you think four) is getting married next summer.

My brother is getting married next summer.

I love riding my bike around. It is simultaneously pedestrian and automotive.

No doors have been closed to me as of yet.

I've been granted a well-rounded education.

I have inspired at least one person in this world. And when he goes on to make a difference in this world... I can take all the credit for it. :)

We live and learn and live some more.

I am a power player.

I know how to play tennis, and baseball.

I was the #3 salesman in my store in our last contest period. I'm not doing so well this time, but that #3 can never be taken from me.

The Fountain of Lamneth is still playing.

I found an RP guild in Guild Wars.

I have all the essential Firefly/Serenity items, minus the Christmas tree ship ornaments, Mal's pistol replica (which I could probably make for less money than you could buy it for) some trading cards, the individual issues for the first comic arc, and a life sized Serenity house. But that last one is on its way, you mark my words.

I've seen the Foo Fighters live.

I have almost all Jack McDevitt novels.

I managed to set up my printer underneath my desk. It's really very cool. It's sitting on a box, and inside that box is my guitar amp and a cigar box of my late grandfather's, which contains all my guitar accessories.


In a short minute, Bacchus Plateau (the best movement of The Fountain of Lamneth will start).

Bacchus Plateau just started. I can play this part by the way.

And I'll end with one of the best reasons for me to be happy: you read this blog.

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