Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Photo Trip around Eastlake and Capital Hill

This building caught my eye, though I'm not sure why. It could be as simple as the fact that it was very cleanly presented, and it was sunny, and the building is an off white so it stood out.

This is the same building a little further up. I framed that small tree to the left hoping it would look cool... it's alright I guess.

This is a doorway in the same building, but I thought it looked really cool. I like taking architectural pictures because they interest me in terms of drawing them (primarily in terms of art that might become part of a graphic novel), and it's the little things that you never think about that really stick you when you're trying to draw buildings or whatever. (I'm not an artist by any means; in fact I rarely draw anything, but still it's the thought process that governs what I take pictures of so I guess that's relevant enough).

Looking down some stepped hills. The roads are super bumpy in these parts, it's like cobblestone but bricks. One of Luke's classmates from his video program told us that the whole city used to be "paved" in this stuff, and if you see parts of the roads in Seattle that are wearing down (on Eastlake Ave near I-5, for example) the bricks show through underneath. The water at the bottom of the hill here is Lake Union.

These two pictures are of the same yard space even higher up, where all the buildings have ridiculous views of Lake Union and even the Seattle Center (Space Needle, etc). Anyway, I thought it was quaint.

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