For those of you who have memorized my entire works, you'll probably realize that my history on hypocrisy is somewhat disjointed. One post that sums this up well is Resolutions, a post I made at the beginning of the 2007 year (or, rather, the end of the 2006 year). Having gotten over my first breakup a few months prior, I was in the midst of a period of redefinition/rediscovery from which I formed the person I am today. (That statement carries much less weight once you realize that it is applicable at all points of life)
I also wanted to ask you a question that might inspire a rant of it's own. What is your position on hypocrisy?
As part of these revelations, I sought to eradicate from my life all aspects of hypocricy, to reestablish myself as a source of credibility and uniformity. In reading the post you'll see that in the midst of writing it, I had a change of heart and turned it completely upside down backwards and on it's head.
I reasoned that as a leader (that's how I perceived myself at the time) I couldn't afford to be double checking and self checking every thought that crossed my mind, every word I said. As a leader (I cringe to type it) it was my job to inspire, to incite action, to put people on the pages who hadn't been there before.
It fizzled out. Life overcame my dreams and ambitions, and I was left living it (albeit happily). Of course, tragedy gives us pause, and once again I am left alone in the proverbial relationship world, left alone to my thoughts. Once again I must redefine myself, and this time, with no one left to lead, I must first find a role to fill, a person to be.
Where does that leave us with hypocricy? Well, at the moment I'd have to say that a moment of redefinition is the ABSOLUTE WORST TIME EVER to be disingenuous. With that said, there's no telling where that will leave me six months from now...
And I know Ryston was probably thinking of other things when he asked that question, but in order to enter into the debate in any further depth, I had to first establish those basics.
In a future post I will address the question perhaps a bit more literally, asking such questions as "can/should a smoker lecture against smoking? can/should a pedophile preacher spread the Word of God? can/should I and many others bother realizing "hard lines" that we ourselves do not adhere to?"
All good questions that I'm a bit too exhausted to answer right now, though the answers are there.
Thanks for reading, Ryston, and for commenting.
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