Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I'm running out of them, you know. First breath. First word. First birthday. First day of Elementary school, Junior High, High School, and now the first day of college. First job. First car.

Aside from areas of my personal life that I won't go into, I have very few left.



  1. At least your list of lasts is probably a shorter one.

  2. i was reading this and well...

    i think its important that when change is no longer forced upon people, people need to take the initiative and force change upon themselves. we deal with a lot of change during our younger years and grow up a lot (mentally). but eventually, people settle down into their job and their routines and never change again, thus never growing again. change is hard but change is good.

  3. After you think you've run out of firsts, you'll have chances for new firsts. Example, if you wanted to try some new sport or hobby. The amount of "firsts" you get to have is completely up to you and you have the power to stop the list or keep it going.

  4. first child...

    first child's birthday...and then all those first you had for yourself, you get to experience all over again with your own children, and grandchildren, and so on, and so on...

    ah, the circle of...

  5. I think your looking at this all wrong. You know nothing right? None of us do. So how can we quantify a list of firsts? There's most certainly numerous firsts, you've never even thought of, and you won't necessarily even know them when you have them.
