Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

John the Warrior

On that day, so long ago
I raised myself up,
praised my skill,
and, using Arrogance
my weapon of destruction,
struck down my state
of depression.

But Arrogance
has an icy grip of its own
and it wove itself before my eyes
blinding me to reality.

I thought I was something,
not just anything,
but something.
I thought I had it figured out.
I thought I knew the formulas,
had the reputation.
And worst of all
I thought I was the best.

I tell you this because
it is an insidious beast,
snaking around and behind
to launch its killing blow.
Why, just today I turned and saw
that cobra head
flared to strike

To be honest, no fear seized me
for I knew in an instant what it was.
That serpent bore the markings
of my trusty blade
and though it had seen me through much
my life was now on a precipice.

But, seeking the truth,
I knelt before him
leaned in close
and told him "no."
And the serpent then
did something strange.

I know that in his dance
he sought to mesmerize,
to carry me back in time
back to my naiveté
my ignorance
my Arrogance

But it was too late
for I had seen one greater than I
with a blade not as sharp
but sharper.
And, telling him, he fled from
those words most deadly:

"I don't believe you."

In his absence
I sought the company
of the blade warrior
who alone holds the strength
the true strength
of humility.

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