Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Be All That You Can Be

An old Army motto... or was it the Marines? Anyhow, it's unsettling. Yeah, it seems hopeful, like someone is looking to the future, but to me it's something far more ominous.

To me it says "As of now, you are not yet all that you can be." And that bothers me. Not because I could be better, but because I'm not doing anything to become better.

Better. By whose standards? Why should anyone judge how I am and who I should become?

I say perspective is reality. I believe it too. But I also believe in an absolute truth. And that absolute truth, I believe, is etched into our hearts and minds. Some can see it more clearly than others... am I one of them? And if I am, what steps am I taking to preserve this Holy Writ? None. And that's the problem.

Rationalization is more important than sex. I don't remember what movie that's from - you'll have to ask a friend of mine. But it's true. Have you ever gone a day without sex? Have you ever gone a day without rationalization?

But rationalization, I fear, has left me compromised. And maybe that's because I'm so good at twisting the absolute to fit my definition, my perspective of reality. And maybe I'm not who I was meant to be.

I don't know if that's okay or not.

But I'm determined to find out.

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