Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Friday, August 17, 2007

Life Is... vol.1

Life is a gamble. It has its ups and its downs and if you choose to play, you have to accept the fact that not everything is within your control. You have to accept the fact that not all things will go your way.

But most importantly of all, you have to realize that you are by no means any better or worse than anyone who has a different result. Yes, hard work does pay off. Yes, what goes around comes around. But at the same time, you have to understand that so many tiny things have to come into place for a single event to occur, and that so many of those tiny things have nothing to do with you.

It seems like the safe route these days is to go to college, get a degree, and get a job where you'll have job security until you retire. That's the safe route. But I don't want to be in college. I don't need a degree. And I don't want to have the same job for the next 40 years of my life. What I want to do is write. I want to study, and research, and know things. Make them applicable to my life, as well as yours.

See, I can study all the Physics and Astronomy I want, (and I will, until I get the nerve to go my own way) but I can't see that having an impact on the world, unless we discover fossil fuels in some cosmic location and save everyone from gas tax.

Life is a gamble, and I'm not ready to play yet.

1 comment:

  1. true that, i feel ya ; )

    haha no seriously though... ive been getting that feeling for a while now. why am i studying for this test? why do i need to know this? why am i going to college?

    basically im asking myself what the point of my life is. and to tell you the truth, i couldnt tell you. find me someone who can, ill show you someone who is damn lucky.

    feels like im just passin through :-/
