Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Thursday, January 28, 2010

And Again

"The biggest lie you were ever told was that you had nothing to say..."

If I am an admirable man,
if I function, if I breathe,
then we can accept my social quirks
and establish a model wherein patience
rules the day.

But if I am flawed,
if I am broken, if I break,
speak it aloud. Say it to my face,
or condemn me to condemn myself
over and again and
again and

once more for good measure.


  1. Everyone is flawed, is broken or has been broken. Must we all condemn ourselves for this?

  2. It's a passive condemnation, as in if the speaker is "broken" enough to the point where they are not admirable, do not function, and do not "breathe" (i.e. participate in the world), then the system will condemn that speaker by his very nature.
