Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fault Lines

sidewalk cracks divide
us like continents

and fault lines your fault
not mine at least I

tried is this how things
are meant to be no

I hope not stay for
God's sake stay on your

side of the street and
I'll stay on mine don't

step on the cracks or
you'll fall and break my

heart really yes my
heart again at least

whats left of it now


  1. Yet the institution of a sidewalk itself is meant soley to keep the peace and safety of the civilized world. Superficial yet comforting, it covers up the life of the place that once existed.

    The true meaning of this place and its world are forever lost by the covering of the sidewalks and their artifical cracks

  2. You're welcome to your own reading, but this poem is not about any of those things. It's not for or against sidewalks, it's not for or against the "true meaning of this place"; it's just about people being divided.
