Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Re: Pictures of Fields Without Fences

Andy Kim has a knack for making my posts deeper and more involved (Pictures of Fields Without Fences).

do we protect the land itself or what the land stands for?

america protect its citizens rights.

a farm owner protects his ideal of a farmer, an independent hardworking individual who depends on his family and small community.

a person buys a house/small parcel of land to establish that in that small area, his/her ideas of morality, truth, etc. exist there.

the issue is not about the monetary value of the land nor the ways we go about protecting it. it is WHO we are protecting it against.
You can only protect what you own. Yes, it represents the values that we defend, and it is about defending rights, but what makes one group so different than another?

I am sure that if you asked the average American, they would be opposed to being invaded by Muslim extremists. Or by anyone for that matter. We have these concepts of right and wrong, and I'm not saying that these concepts are wrong. I think that harming others is wrong.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter who you're protecting it against - it's not yours to protect.

It's not an applicable idea. It's 100% idealogical. 100%. So I know that logistically it's impossible. I'm just saying that's the way it should be.

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