Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sensory Overload

You wouldn't believe the things you miss. Every day. Every hour. Every minute of your life, you miss millions of tiny details that make up the world around you. What color are the walls? What type of wood is that bookshelf made of? Who are the people around you?

Stop and consider the magnitude of things. Every thread woven to make the carpet you walk on is composed of an innumerable amount of subatomic particles. Things so small you've never seen. The Elegant Universe.

It's a sensory overload, don't you see? You can't possibly handle everything that's thrown at you, all the time. Your subconscious, that which picks up subtle stimuli so small that they aren't even registered on a conscious level.

We have 24-bit color screens. I don't even know what that means. Even when you take it back to the good old 256, could you name them all? If the matrix was real, imagine the complexity of the program that birthed it. You have to know how many bricks are in that wall. You have to know how they physically react to outer stimuli. You have to know their color, to an infinite degree of accuracy. And this is an object that has no free will. It is an object solely inanimate. How much m0re complex then is the human mind?

Stop and consider the magnitude of things.


1 comment:

  1. true that. its weird, ill just be walking along and ill notice how brightly colored the leaves on the trees are. or ill be driving and notice how colorful the playground is. its weird and random but it makes me appreciate the world around me more.

