Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Keyboard Master

This makes me think of Guitar Hero for some reason. And, if a game were to come out anything like guitar hero using a keyboard, I can only imagine the colossal train wreck that would result.

Now with FIVE buttons, for a complete piano experience!

Oh boy. What is this world coming to, that we sit around playing plastic guitars with five buttons before learning an actual guitar? If today’s society would apply itself, think of what we could accomplish? I don’t know what else I can say about it. It’s not just music. It’s everything that we put aside to play videogames. And I’m just about as guilty as anyone. I mean, I have a stack of books that I need to read which is far too large for my tastes. And they’re by authors I like. So what’s the problem?

I think it has something to do with the intensity of life. Videogames are relaxing in that they don’t require thought. Concentration, yes, but thought? Not so much. Have you every played videogames at an all-nighter? I have. I could feel my brain meting away from sleep deprivation, and my videogame performance was hardly affected. Have you ever tried to read when you’re tired? It can’t be done. Maybe we should put flashing lights on our books. And out guitars. And our keyboards. Maybe we can put flashing lights on our friends and our teachers, and maybe on some poor children that only need a bit of care.

Maybe then some things will get done.

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