Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Sometimes you think you're alone. Sometimes it feels as if the world is closing in around you and there's nothing for it. Sometimes you know deep down that there's no use in going on.

And how fitting then, that it is at these times you find comfort in the most unlikely of sources. Anonymnity. I guess it's for the best though. There's no way to trace it. No way to discover the source. And if you can't locate the source, it's the purest, most amazing thing ever to recieve. You can't identify hidden bias. Alterior motives.

Just to know that someone out there believes.

I've got a friend. He doesn't like hope. I can't figure out why. Hope is synonymous with belief, and everyone believes. I suppose you could make the argument that not all belief requires hope. Some men base their lives off of the belief that America is absolute. That capitalism is good. These are beliefs that don't need to be hoped in. There is no evil to fight, no war to be waged for the defense of these things (from within). But if men reserve themselves to believe only in those things that are undeniable, they will be like the dead. Don't be like the dead. Dare to dream. Dare to feel. Dare to believe in something beyond your own means. Dare to be.

Anonymnous. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. don't know why, but it reminds me of "stair way to heaven" by Led Zeppelin. Very good writing skills, I admire your work. And thank you for making me the poet that I am.
