Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


You seem to think you cannot die,
but truth I still must tell.
For better is it here to lie,
than burn alive in Hell.


I've never thought on lesser men,
and why they seem to fail.
But could it be that it is me
who's falling off the trail?


I've messed up my fair share in life,
but so, I say, have you.
At least I can admit the truth,
forever be it true.


I look around in times of doubt
in hopes that you are there.
But now I know that hope is frail
it falls into despair.


The people cry for it to end,
this pain that we call life.
But I have learned of other times
when men joined in the strife.


Surround yourself with those you trust:
They'll take you very far.
But let them not corrupt your soul,
Nor leave a biting scar.


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