Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Probably 111

I hereby dedicate this post to the ToSSB, an internet message board where I've met some inspirational people, and some not inspirational people. Overall, it's just a nice place to come back to.

It's a nice community. We talk about problems, ask for advice, talk about music, life, videogames, poetry, whatever. The members are... interesting. Without a doubt. Some of them stand out above the others in my book, others just... stand in the way.

Probably 111 is an inside joke made by one member who actually was one of the first to start reading my blog. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of my blog readers came from the ToSSB.

I'd like to especially thank Tigeris, gorillatron, and twilightangel0. Why them? Well... because I say so. And to any other ToSSB members who might stumble across this place... you know they deserve it.

That said, you're all great (albiet annoying at times) and it's been fun knowing you. Without you, I'm not sure there would be a blog.


  1. You've no idea how honored I feel.

    Well no, knowing you, you probably do.


  2. Heh.

    It's suprising how much that simple little board has changed my life. I know that without it I wouldn't have a blog.

