Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Sunday, April 8, 2007

C: One of Two

One of Two

I had had just about enough. I was tired of life screwing with me. I was fed up with knowing that

"In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you."
~Green Goblin, Spider-Man (2002)

I was pissed. I was upset. And most of all, I was sad. I felt as if I was being treated unfairly. And as for deserving I will speak no more. It is a quote that (I think) had its origins here. And the truly great way of knowing whether a quote is great is if it continues to apply. If it continues to be relevant. And most of all, when your friends start quoting it back at you. I had that privaledge. Not only did it reassure me that, yes, some people do listen, but it also let me know that what I was saying was good enough to be repeated.

So I invented an experiment of sorts (though, in hindsight the outcome should have been obvious). I would try to be the best person I could possibly be. I mean all the way, hardcore 100% try to be perfect. And I'm not just talking about being nice to people, or telling people about Jesus, or helping people with their homework. I mean everything. All that and more. Exercizing, eating healthy, brusing and flossing my teeth. Taking things as they come and being glad for them.

I had to become the ideal human being, both by my own standards and by those of society. That mandated an exceptional level of hygiene, behavior, and other things. The theory was that if "good" people truly got what they deserved, I should be pretty well off. If not, then I would disprove all those optimists and prove that the world is a terrible place, where the good get nothing and the bad get everything.

Well, I suppose I should have just taken a look at the story of Jesus... here is a man that actually was perfect in every way, and they crucified him. That's enough proof for me. This is a terrible place.

OH WAIT, it's Easter today. Which of course is the day that Jesus was resurrected from the dead. So it's not completely hopeless, now is it? Sure, I may not have the power of God, but there is hope. There is always hope.

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