Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Public Education Has Failed Me

Who taught me to write like this? Who inspired me to change the world? Who gave me creative writing classes to explore, delve, discover?

Who told me that I could survive acting and maintain good grades? Who taught me to achieve, to dream? Who taught me the power of spoken word, written word, any word?

Who told me that friends were everything, that grades were nothing?

Who helped me choose science or art? Who gave me the pros and cons, the good and bad of each? Who ever gave a damn?

Not Public Education.


  1. Funny you should say this... I have somewhere on my hard drive a yet uncompleted essay for a radio contest about how flawed I feel the public education system is...

  2. Public education is probably just some scheme to keep kids busy between preschool (everyone had to learn to share) and college. Look at all you accomplished during your suffering :) I think its what you do with public education that matters not what it does with you.

