Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Wear The Mask


Don't do it. Rebellion causes pain and suffering. Rebellion is not retalliation, no. I'm a proponent of retaliation, because too much fear can kill you. Rebellion is simply not safe. You look at the American Revolution and think, "hey, look at all the good that came of that, right?" And then you look at the French Revolution, and I think I've said enough.

How do you know which side of the coin flip you're going to end up on?

How do I play? I play by their rules, and win their game. Because as you know, the winner chooses the game. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

Doesn't playing by their rules mean that you have to sacrifice yourself in order to do something you don't believe in?

Not to me it doesn't.

Wear the mask too long and the mask wears you, I'm told.

I don't buy it.

If you stare into the abyss too long, it stares back into you.

First of all, I don't like Nietchze (sp?), and second of all, I don't believe it.

Why not? Strength of will. Anybody with enough conviction in their own beliefs can wear any mask, look into any abyss, and come out the other end.

Play their game and win. Then you can make your changes. But when you rock the boat too much, some of your friends are going to fall out. Some of the things you love. And some of those things will never come back.

Rebellion is not retalliation, no. I'm a proponent of retaliation, because too much fear can kill you.

If a guy punches you, punch him back. It's not the Christian thing to do, but let's be honest. Do you always do the Christian thing? No. Does that make it okay? No, but you're not playing by rules established by Christians. A true Christian wouldn't punch you in the first place. Thank God we don't have many true Christians in this world. Some people deserve a fist in the face. Is it our place to make that judgement? No, but that doesn't stop them so we can't let it stop us. Do the ends justify the means? No, but we're damned to hell anyway. Does that make it okay? No, but you're not playing by rules established by Christians.

Don't fear the mask - fear that you have not the ability to stand up to it when the time comes.


  1. Wow, I not sure I've ever been able to say these words to you:

    I disagree.

    Ah, but that's a blog post for the future I suppose. My argument: I'll never compromise my ideals through anything other than truly convincing argument against them. If I can change the world through my own means rather than 'theirs' I have truly accomplished something great.

  2. Well now. Do you take a stand or do you sit back and enjoy the ride? If you play by their rules but still influence change, are you really playing by their rules? Are you really wearing that mask?
