Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


How do I want to be remembered after I'm gone?
How do I want to be remembered while I'm still here?
Do I want to be remembered at all?

There's something about the thought of a legacy that unnerves me. Something about it just doesn't sit well in my mind.

It's not the idea of it, no. I've no problem with living on in the memories of others, or leaving myself behind to be found by some unsuspecting traveller. But it's not my goal in life to achieve hat immortality. I just want to help people.

The idea of attaining a legacy is all too often abused. All too often the focus is placed on the legacy itself - achieving it, knowing it, feeling it. This is wrong. The legacy should never be about the legacy - its about what you can use that legacy for.

1 comment:

  1. People who are insecure about what they are doing and care if others think that they are doing the right thing are going to be the abusers. I don't think anyone wants to feel forgotten, especially someone who already is insecure with what they are doing, and this creates the fear that after they are gone the world won't even care. These same people are the ones who need the most help from you and what you can do with your legacy.
