Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Orwell Was An Optimist?

This, from a bumper sticker.

Why is it that people these days are so obsessed with "fighting the power" and into all these conspiracy theories? Well, I supposed there's an answer for that. But what there is no answer for is why these people feel the need to spread these beliefs, to share them.

They give us the "realities" as they would have you call them from on high, as though they themselves have been graced with some level of high understanding. As if they were better than you.

Nobody is better than you, and let nobody tell you otherwise.


  1. I don't know why they see the need to preach their conspiricies. Maybe it is like how Christians see the need to preach to or look down upon everyone who doesn't believe what they do because they think that they truely have everything figured out.

  2. Can't say I agree with that last comment...but oh well.

    This just further cements my dislike of all things bumper sticker.
