Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It's one of those "us" things. "Because I say we and not they..." It's the same mentality that drives a ship. A crew. The unity in an ideal.

I love America, not because of the unity, but because of that ideal. There is no unity here. There is no camraderie. There is only a broken flag which stands for men long dead. Our unity is not one which inspires fellowship. It is a business agreement. I'll stay out of your business if you stay out of mine, until yours becomes mine. That's all we are. And I have to admit, I like it. It's why I can write this blog and not worry about what people think about it. It's why I can stand up for John Kerry even though that election was his to lose. It's why I can make my own country. "Because countries are in our blood, and we bleed them..." But I do not bleed for America. I bleed for my ship, and my ship bleeds for America. Because my brothers on other ships bleed for America and America bleeds for me.

I love America becasue we are a fleet of ideas, a fleet of soldiers, of men. Becasue we don't have to love America, but do so by choice. Because America gave me my ship.

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