Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Tuesday, January 2, 2007


It is a word used by the victorious. The tried and true, fighters to the end. Against insurmountable odds they are the people that come through the other side. But you must understand that victory does not imply a winner. Some of the greatest warriors of all time have found themselves at sword's end. At the end of the road, beaten and broken. Defiant to the last, and not by any means yet understood by man. Will power. The strength to decide. The strength to continue. To push forward after defeat. No giving up. Ever.

But sometimes it's not from within that this power stems. Outside influence is the single greatest factor in affecting the thoughts and ideas of the individual. For without companionship, without camaraderie, what are we but animals? In such cases it is only self righteousness which guides us. But self righteousness like will power is shaped from the outside before it takes form on the inside. Sometimes that's impossible. Sometimes it's not.

And all we wanted was somebody to care.

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