Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Producer

What is it that makes me happy in life?

Probably a good many things.

But I'll tell you what really makes me shine.

The act of producing works. Everyone produces something. Farmers produce produce. Artists produce images. Writers produce literature.

Why not just say "creating things" and leave it at that? Simply because we do not so much create as we do assimilate and assemble what is already there into something recognizable by our fellow men.

Case in point - does a photographer create his images? Or does he look at them in an interesting and emotional way?

We are disillusioning ourselves if we claim to create. Whether you're religious or you believe that we were born on the backs of crystals, you did not create the components of your "creation," you merely rearranged them into something intellectually or emotionally pleasing.

We are all of us spectators in a world full of wonder.

And my greatest desire is to bring that wonder a little bit closer. To you. To me. To the world.

Whether it's acting as the Centipede in James and the Giant Peach, giving speeches on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, teaching Sunday School, filming, speaking, or writing, I will be content to share the works of the world with you.

For I am the Teller, and this is my Tale.

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