Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Sunday, October 26, 2008

C: Dominyms, Death of the Dominym, The Dominym


I think I've already shown you how to create The Dominym... and I've already revealed that William Wordsworth used the form long before I even imagined that I had created it (Death of the Dominym)... So I'll just say some things that I hadn't said yet.

Anyway, the problem with a lot of rhymy-dimey stuff is that it comes off as childish more often than not. This posting is a perfect example. Now, I didn't write all of these at the same time - one day I just decided to compile them all and post them. But that first one, the one about Hell, was the first one I ever did. I think. And aside from "The Ultimate Dominym," (which apparently I've never posted?) I think it's my favorite.

The thing I like about Dominyms is the flexibility they offer concerning tone. They can be short and silly, long and gloomy, or anything in between. They can have the aspects of a haiku or a limerick, or they can have the aspects of an epic poem. And I will of course touch on this again when I write the commentary for Multinyms, which, if you haven't figured it out by now, are just multiple Dominyms strung together.


  1. The C: indicates a commentary post - otherwise, they would have the same title and be confusing.

    They also all show up when clicking on the commentary label to the left.

