Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Monday, February 5, 2007

What the Hell

So my 18th birthday is coming up soon and I've been thinking.

Not about things you'd think I was thinking about. No, I'm not going through that comical list of what I am now aloud to do legally. I'm not thinking about that freedoms I may be granted by my parents.

I'm thinking about how messed up the world is.

About an hour ago I heard on the news that a man broke into a house, raped an 11 year old girl while her parents slept, then ran away.

Yeah, sad story. But so what? This stuff happens all the time, right? People are just ****ed up, right?

That's what I thought at first too. Then I saw the description of the man. I didn't catch the majority of it because my eyes were held fast by the top line.

Age: 18-20

I'm about to turn 18, and in the meantime my very peers are running around doing stuff like this? You have to understand what this means... I am about to be of the age where I could plausibly fit the profile of a rapist. A murderer. A thief. Any number of names you could give, and I could feasibly fit the profile of any of them.

What the hell is wrong with people like this?

1 comment:

  1. Corruptions and deseperation lays in the alleys of society, it's the unwanted necessarity of man-kind. The world is cruel.... that's why we have cops. The idea of a Utopia can exist, but for it to stand cannot.
