Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Thursday, February 22, 2007

You Can't Pick and Choose

I find it funny how non-relgious people tend to view religious people. They continuously call us hypocrites and other names, but fail to recognize the irony created from their own statements. Lets take a look at what's expected of us, and what exactly we're called out on...

Okay, so we're supposed to be kind and non-judgemental to everyone around us, right? Love thy neighbor like thyself, yeah?

And naturally, we fail. So we get attacked for it, get called hypocrites and self-righteous pricks.


Let's look at the ten commandments (which I've paraphrased from memory, so don't expect a whole lot of accuracy)

You shall have no other gods before me.


Do not use the name of the Lord your God in vain.


Remember the Sabboth Day* by keeping it holy.

*(Sunday, or the day of worship... maybe Saturday for other churches, it's not important)


Honor thy father and thy mother and all other figures of authority.


Thou shalt not kill.

Win? (Depends on your interpretation)

Thou shalt not steal.


Okay, so I skipped 6, 8, 9, and 10 (mostly because I can't remember them) but you get my point. We fail.

So, we fail at the ten commandments and nobody jumps on us for that. Nobody says "you told your mom you wouldn't clean your room, you're a hypocrite!"

And why? Because it's hard. It's so hard that society doesn't hold it against us, because they all fail at it too.

But the VERY INSTANT we judge someone, it's like a ton of bricks coming down.

Think about that next time you judge a Christian. You can't pick and choose which parts of our doctrines to take literally and which to take figuratively.

So knock it off.

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