Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ask Matt


When I was going through junior high - and the early years of high school for that matter - I used to take pride in the fact that people could come to me for help, and that they would value it enough to apply it to their life. Sadly, I've noticed of late that nobody is coming to me any more.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and say "WAAAHHHH, I want attention, I want to be needed!"

First of all, because that would be stupid.
Secondly, you might never read anything I wrote ever again.
And finally, because that's just not the reason I'm bringing this up.

Look, it's this simple. I like helping people. This isn't about me, other than the fact that I feel as if I could do so much more and help so many more people. What I fear most is the reason why this trend has stopped. Have I become unapproachable? Are people putting me on a pedastel? Have I distanced myself from my friends? I would hope that none of the above are true, but who is to say?

Then again, I'd be lying if I didn't get some personal satisfaction out of doing it.

So I'll tell you what I'll do. I'm going to encourage anyone reading this to refer back to this post at any time (I'll put a link in my header) and either comment or email me.

Honestly, ask me anything. If I can't answer, well, I'll at least try, which in my opinion is a lot more than most people would do. Another thing you could do (if you don't mind making your question public) is to comment directly on this post (there is an option for anonymous comments). Since it'll be linked on my header, it'll always be one click away.

1 comment:

  1. Well, just so you know, you've helped me :) And I wont stop coming to you for advice.


