to gaze upon the dawn.
The earth was black, black as the sky
would have been, had it been night.
I stood upon a rock,
unconsciously struck a pose,
and marveled at the fire which seemingly lit the horizon.
The clouds formed in great sweeps and
took on a fire of their own, joining the earth in its scouring.
The sky held such beauty that was
foreign to the world, and as I found
myself there, so small in the face of the universe,
it was then that I realized what this picture of
perfection had been trying to tell me.

must black out the earth to our minds and
cast our eyes upwards, for otherwise
we will continue on,
content with ourselves,
and forget that we are not alone,
not by ourselves in death, hatred,
This experience gave me insight, new thought,
and as I thought, I looked up to the heavens.
Returning home, I remembered.
For is that not one of many flaws of mankind?
Therefore what I would ask of you is simple.
Please remember.
For the sky is not hidden.
You only need search for it.
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