Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Saturday, March 3, 2007

I Hate Them

Never turn your back on the team you've built. They are yours, and you are theirs. It's not wrong. You're not using them. They are you. We are us. And we will always be right.

We will always be right because they will always be wrong. Because when they're right, they're us and no longer them. They will never understand. They cannot understand because for all practical purposes they do not exist. They do not inhabit this world or anyother. Physical, spiritual, metaphysical, in each of these realms they can do nothing more than exist as a single conscious symbol for all that is wrong in the world. All that in opposition.

They go by many names. The Man. The Nazis. Terrorists. But for each person, they are something else. Infidels, perhaps. Maybe homosexuals, or black people. Tax-collectors, bossses, relatives. Elitists, warmongerers. Anything or anyone you find yourself in opposition to becomes a member of those ranks. It doesn't matter whether or not they do so willingly, because in all actuality they don't join any ranks anywhere.

I hate them. You hate them too. But who are they? That's for you to decide.

But no matter the contempt we find for them we must fight them without bias. We must fight them because it's the right thing to do. And sometimes, the definition of who they are is cause enough to start a fight. I will stand against any man who judges based on race or sexual preference. I will stand against any man who judges based on religion. So know that in this first step alone you may make more enemies than friends.

Never turn your back on the team you've built. They are yours, and you are thiers. It's not wrong. You're not using them. They are you. We are us. And we will always be right.

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