Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Saturday, March 24, 2007

C: A Letter From Dommy

A Letter From Dommy

Here we are, at the beginning of all things... the very first blog I posted. True, others fall before it chronologically, but they were posted far later (for those of you who haven't read in far enough to know that). And boy is this a cryptic one. Let's start with, say... the IRS.

Yes, the IRS is the reason for this post, though indirectly. Forgive me for getting back up is in response to being knocked down. Unfortunately, by my father. Not physically mind you, but emotionally. Of course, I'm used to that by now. He's got a job he doesn't like, two sons who don't like the things he does, and a house that will never be perfect enough. And though I may have made him seem like a horrible person, keep in mind that all of the qualities I've listed are qualities shared by many within the human population. I love my family despite thier... unfavorable tendencies.

Anyway, sometimes when my Dad gets frustrated with it all he takes it out on us, and all of a sudden minor offenses such as leaving a pair of shoes in the hall becomes a big issue (that would be my brother - the shoes bother me too). And once the reactor has been set off there's no stopping it and everything just avalanches.

A few hours later we may cross paths again, in a vastly more civil manner and everything is okay. I understand that some people just need to get things out of their system and that they can't write about it like I can. That's not the issue. But I come to find out, that few hours later, that the IRS has sent my Dad some sort of paperwork about his tax returns. I don't know what it is or what it means, and I don't care. The point is, I can almost guarantee that this was the pebble that started the avalanche.

I think the post itself sums up the rest pretty well.

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