Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Saturday, March 24, 2007

C: Victory Attained

Victory Attained

Another one of my I'm-going-to-get-down-on-myself phases. The kind where I basically sit in front of you and say "life sucks, but it's okay."

I chuckled to myself as I read this because there's a line in here, "it takes a determinate unsurrenderable willfulness" which came from a song that my band played called Of Sailors and Whales, which was a composers interpretation of the book Moby Dick (which I have yet to read). Anyway, a good friend of mine got the job of reciting a passage from it before the fourth movement (there was one before each movement) and, as I sat next to him, I began to receive second-hand memorization. Even now, over a year later, I can quote parts of it... those were good times, and that was a good song.

The phrase "do they cheer for me, or do they cheer for an idea?" was me feeling like no matter how much praise I got for anything, it was the thing that got the attention, not me. I don't rightly know how to explain it anymore. Go back in time and ask me what I meant... I guess it's a good thing though, because it means I've reached some resolution on the point. I wouldn't say they cheer for both or neither, but for the two combined. Not separate but equal (there is no racial commentary here) but one.

And then of course I had to go talk about Prime again. And Socrates. And of course there's an Ender's Game reference too. Quite the concluding paragraph actually...

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