Few people realize that man has already attained immortality; it's merely been abused, forgotten, and renamed Writing. -Brian Egan

Sunday, March 4, 2007

You Know Me

You know me as your friend. As your brother. As your boyfriend. As your captain.

You know that I would never intentionally cause harm to anyone close to me. You know that I strive to attain respect from those near and far. You know that I am a man of God, and you know that my word holds value. You know that I err, and you feel sympathy. You know that I manipulate, but always with an honest goal. You know that I'll fight for my crew and put their lives before mine. You know that I love and hate equally, but value love all the more. And you know that I can be trusted.

But they do not know. They do not know and they do not see. It is because they refuse. It is because they're afraid.

I understand the fear. I understand the pain.

But how dare they impose their weaknesses upon me?

I am no less than they. I am no less.

I am your captain.

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